4 Health Problems That Can Result From Chronic Bullying

by Traci Raley Previously I posted about a study that was conducted on incoming science teachers and their views on bullying. Some of the teachers stated that they believe bullying is a normal part of childhood, that it cannot be stopped, and that it teaches kids coping skills. I find this both surprising and upsetting.… Continue reading 4 Health Problems That Can Result From Chronic Bullying

Review: Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Sheds Light, Gets People to Listen

by Brittany Weekley If you haven’t already heard, a new Netflix television series called 13 Reasons Why has taken over television and social media. The reason for this? It doesn’t brush over serious subjects that most of us don’t want to talk about. It forces viewers to endure the raw reality of it. The television series… Continue reading Review: Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Sheds Light, Gets People to Listen

Humane Education as a Means of Violence Prevention

by Traci Raley Humane education is the use of animals to teach kindness, compassion and empathy to humans, primarily school-aged children. Using rescue dogs to teach humane education is a method that is becoming more common as means of violence prevention in schools. One group currently employing this method is Humane Species . A nonprofit organization founded… Continue reading Humane Education as a Means of Violence Prevention

NSV Highlight on: America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being

by Sean Hedden The Forum on Child and Family Statistics released a report on 2016, available online, called America’s Children: Key Indicators of Well-Being, 2016. This federal interagency project reveals data on multiple subjects concerning child safety and welfare: these subjects include Family and Social Environment; Economic Circumstances; Health Care; Physical Environment; Safety; Behavior; Education; and… Continue reading NSV Highlight on: America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being

NSV Highlight on: Active Minds

by Sean Hedden Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for college students, taking nearly 1,100 lives a year. Active Minds has been a leading organization supporting young adults with mental illness. By creating chapters across colleges and universities in North America, young people can find support and resources that will help save lives.… Continue reading NSV Highlight on: Active Minds