Teen Girl Stands Up to Bullies at a Colorado High School

by Brittany Weekley 16-year-old Sabrina Inman of Thunder Ridge High School in Douglas County, Colorado has made the news for her heroic stance against bullying. As we all know, bullying exists everywhere, especially in schools. Now, more than ever, students are taking a stance against it. Inman experienced bullying first-hand at her high school. She… Continue reading Teen Girl Stands Up to Bullies at a Colorado High School

Review: Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Sheds Light, Gets People to Listen

by Brittany Weekley If you haven’t already heard, a new Netflix television series called 13 Reasons Why has taken over television and social media. The reason for this? It doesn’t brush over serious subjects that most of us don’t want to talk about. It forces viewers to endure the raw reality of it. The television series… Continue reading Review: Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Sheds Light, Gets People to Listen

5 Inspiring Songs That Battle Bullying

#5. “Mean Girls” by Rachel Crow “Mean Girls” is a pop song that was released in 2012. Crow’s message is simple, there are mean girls at every school. We know them all too well, and most of us have had an experience with one. I won’t let it get to me no more I don’t… Continue reading 5 Inspiring Songs That Battle Bullying

Cyberbully: Film Reveals True Tech Dangers

by Brittany Weekley The film Cyberbully sends the perfect message, but all is not what it seems. It premiered on ABC Family in 2011, and it was inspired by Megan Taylor Meier, who died of suicide due to cyberbullying. The makers of the film, including Seventeen Magazine, hoped it would shed light on the seriousness… Continue reading Cyberbully: Film Reveals True Tech Dangers

Anonymous Alerts Teams Up With PNW BOCES to Stop Bullying in NY Public Schools

by Dylan Buckley According to an article on New York’s Southeast Patch, the company Anonymous Alerts has developed an app that allows students to report bullying and other negative activity in schools anonymously. They have formed a partnership with the Putnam North Winchester Board of Cooperative Education Services to distribute the anti-bullying app throughout the… Continue reading Anonymous Alerts Teams Up With PNW BOCES to Stop Bullying in NY Public Schools

Jamel Hudson Meets With Glen Cove High School

Jamel Hudson, a professional “edutainer” who seeks to educate students across the country through entertainment, recently visited Glen Cove High School in New York. According to an article on the Glen Cove Patch, he talked to the students about the different types of bullying while also dancing and singing to the crowd of students. He… Continue reading Jamel Hudson Meets With Glen Cove High School