Texas School Under Fire for Giving Offensive “Awards” to Students

by Brittany Weekley Lance Corporal Anthony Aguirre Junior High School in Houston, Texas has made the news for giving out offensive awards to students. Parents were shocked when their children returned home from school to find that their child had won an award at school, but not just any award. These awards included, “Most likely… Continue reading Texas School Under Fire for Giving Offensive “Awards” to Students

Texas House of Representatives Pass “David’s Law”

by Dylan Buckley According to a news report on WFAA 8 ABC, The Texas House of Representatives recently passed an anti-cyberbullying law on May 12th. The bill is named after David Molak, a 16-year-old victim of cyberbullying from San Antonio who took is life last year, and will allow schools and courts to take action… Continue reading Texas House of Representatives Pass “David’s Law”

4 Health Problems That Can Result From Chronic Bullying

by Traci Raley Previously I posted about a study that was conducted on incoming science teachers and their views on bullying. Some of the teachers stated that they believe bullying is a normal part of childhood, that it cannot be stopped, and that it teaches kids coping skills. I find this both surprising and upsetting.… Continue reading 4 Health Problems That Can Result From Chronic Bullying

Teen Girl Stands Up to Bullies at a Colorado High School

by Brittany Weekley 16-year-old Sabrina Inman of Thunder Ridge High School in Douglas County, Colorado has made the news for her heroic stance against bullying. As we all know, bullying exists everywhere, especially in schools. Now, more than ever, students are taking a stance against it. Inman experienced bullying first-hand at her high school. She… Continue reading Teen Girl Stands Up to Bullies at a Colorado High School

Review: Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Sheds Light, Gets People to Listen

by Brittany Weekley If you haven’t already heard, a new Netflix television series called 13 Reasons Why has taken over television and social media. The reason for this? It doesn’t brush over serious subjects that most of us don’t want to talk about. It forces viewers to endure the raw reality of it. The television series… Continue reading Review: Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Sheds Light, Gets People to Listen