Submission Guidelines

What is The NSV Blog?

The NSV Blog is the media hub of, a national non-profit organization committed to making American schools safer. We inform the public about all things related to keeping school-aged children safe from violence. We invite writers of all abilities—students, educators, writers, digital journalists, social scientists, and anybody concerned about the safety of young people today—to contribute articles that inform the public about youth and school violence.

What topics do we accept?

To be more specific, we are looking for articles that…

  • Draw attention to research and data as possible solutions to youth and school violence.
  • Highlight local, regional, national, and international school safety initiatives.
  • Explore various causes of youth and school violence.
  • Examine different forms of youth and school violence.
  • Tell personal experiences or interviews with those who have dealt with violence as young people.
  • Critique the media’s approach to youth violence or its possible role in promoting it.
  • Review film, television, music, literature and other forms of media dealing with youth and school violence.

If your article doesn’t fit these criteria, please feel free to check with the NSV editor (see below).

How to submit your article?

  • 50-500 words.
  • Submit your article as an attachment saved in Plain Text (.txt) format
  • Below each article, provide references, preferably in APA format.
  • Make sure you give credit, in-text to the sources you are writing about. For example: “The CDC reported that…” or “…as stated in the NY Times article…” We need to make sure we can link to the sources you are referencing.
  • Images aren’t always necessary but preferred. Again, we need references so we can give credit to the original source.
  • We will also accept video, audio, or pictorial blogs.
  • Please provide a short bio (no longer than 100 words) and a headshot that will appear with your piece.

We will reserve the right to share your article with other blog sites or web publications.

Internships are also available for students to blog or edit for our publication.

To submit, query, offer questions or feedback, please contact Sean Hedden, Editor of The NSV Blog,